Lasting Powers of Attorney
It is important to make suitable arrangements for yourself and plan for the future. A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document allowing you (the Donor) to choose someone (the Attorney) that you trust to make decisions on your behalf. Your Attorney can make decisions in relation to your property and financial matters or your health and welfare at a time in the future when you may no longer be able to make these decisions for yourself. There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney:
1) A Property and Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney
A Property and Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney allows your Attorney to access your bank accounts, manage investments or to dispose of your property on your behalf. Your Attorney will be able to manage your finances at a time when you still have capacity to do so or at a time when you may be incapable of dealing with such matters yourself.
2) A Health and Welfare Power of Attorney.
A Health and Welfare Power of Attorney allows your Attorney to make decisions about your personal healthcare and welfare at a time when you lack the capacity to make these decisions for yourself, for example in situations where you are unconscious or are suffering from an illness such as dementia.
Geoff Hindson, a partner in the firm who has practised as a solicitor since 1990 deals with the Lasting Power of Attorney applications.
Single/either personal welfare or Property & financial affairs – £300.00 plus £60.00 VAT (£360.00 incl. VAT)
Single/both personal welfare or Property & financial affairs – £400.00 plus £80.00 VAT (£480.00 incl. VAT)
2 persons personal welfare or Property & financial affairs – £400.00 plus £80.00 VAT (£480.00 incl. VAT)
2 persons both personal welfare and Property & financial affairs – £500.00 plus £100.00 VAT (£600.00 incl. VAT)
Additionally, a registration fee is payable (currently) £82.00 per LPA
On average, from instruction to receipt of the registered LPA, takes between 4 – 5 months.